eShare 155 Release Notes
Release Notes 155 - 08/05/2024 – eShare Support (
- Navigation Button for Accessing Cloud Provider Storage and Native UI
From the Cloud Provider selection menu on the Cloud Provider page, a button is adjacent to each item in the dropdown menu on the cloud provider page. This button, when clicked, will navigate the user to the selected cloud provider's native site (e.g., SharePoint, OneDrive) in a new browser tab. This allows the user to easily view, edit and manage files within the native cloud file storage system.
- Enabling informational notifications across the organization
In release 153 we stopped sending 4 types of informational notifications (shown below). At the request of some clients, we have made these notifications configurable as a group on a per-client basis. To enable these notifications for your organization, please contact your customer success manager who can enable them through a setting that is not yet available to administrators. These notifications are not being sent by default.
- Trusted Share Uploads (File, Folder)
- Trusted Share Access
- Access Link in Use (Create Access Link & Get Shareable Link)
- Compose/Reply in secure conversation (except for mentioned users)
- The confirmation email sent to users when their Share With Me link was used by external parties to create a Trusted Share included a "Click to Deactivate Share this Share" button. But with some email security systems automatically opening all links in inbound emails, this would cause newly created shares to be unintentionally deactivated. To eliminate this possibility, the deactivation button has been removed from the notification email sent to users. Users can disable any unwanted shares within the share itself.
- Inside a Shared With Me Trusted Share the process to pin a file or folder would fail if the item had previously been flagged as a Favorite within the share. This issue has been corrected.