eShare 158 Release Notes
- Microsoft M365 Trusted Sharing Application
The M365 Trusted Sharing app provides M365 users a seamless, Microsoft-native experience for creating and managing Trusted Shares, enhancing their collaboration productivity. By integrating into the familiar Microsoft applications (Teams, SharePoint and Outlook), the app simplifies user adoption of eShare and minimizes IT change management requirement when eShare is deployed.
The app is designed to provide to internal users of eShare all the functionality of the Cloud Web Portal (CWP). We encourage eShare service owners and administrators make the app available to users so that they can begin to enjoy the increased productivity that the app provides. For external recipients of Truste Shares, CWP will continue to provide these users the UI for accessing and participating in Trusted Shares.
The admin installation guide can be found here. In those cases where the user is expected/allowed to install the app, installation instructions can be found here.
- Enforced TLS for Secure Email Delivery to Specified Domains
Organizations can now specify a list of recipient domains that must use TLS connections when sending secure emails via the Secure Mail Gateway (SMG). This list is uploaded under a new section (Domains for Forced Use of TLS) of the Secure Emails page within the Admin Console.
Note: Please contact your Customer Success Manager before enabling this feature.
- Customer-Managed Consumer Domains List
The existing <consumer_domains> list has been migrated to a customer-managed list within the Allow/Block List section of the Admin Console and the Allow/Block List section of sharing policies. This change allows administrators to modify and maintain the consumer domain list independent of eShare.
- Previously, users uploading large .BAK (SQL Backup) files would encounter an error message due to lengthy upload times. The system now automatically retries the upload, continuing until the upload succeeds or the issue is confirmed to persist, at which point a more useful error message is provided to the user.