The procedure described below must be performed by the end user as there is no setting available to pin Outlook apps across the organization.
As a user, navigate to and select the Apps button on the Left side App bar. A pop-up menu with apps will appear, select the Add apps button.
In the app store page, look for the section Built for your org and find the “eShare” app in this listing. Select the app and a pop-up window will appear, select Add and this will add it to the Outlook App bar.
Once the app appears in the App bar, right click on the eShare icon and select Pin, this will allow the eShare app to persist in the bar,
You are now be able to view all the Trusted Shares sent using the eShare Secure Collaboration Gateway.
Adding eShare M365 app to a SharePoint Site
The procedure described below must be performed by the owner of a given SharePoint site or a SharePoint Administrator.
Start by navigating to SharePoint, find a SharePoint site where you would like to add the eShare M365 Application and go to Home. Find and click the New button and select Page to create a new page.
In the Page templates pop-up menu, select the Apps tab, click on the eShare app, then select Create page.
Once the window closes, the Application will open with an edit window on the right, enter the name “eShare” as the title and select Save.
Next, select the Pages tab in the Site Navigation menu. Within Site pages find the newly created “eShare.aspx” page and select it. In the above toolbar, click … and then select Add to navigation.
After adding to the Navigation panel, refresh and the eShare application will now be accessible in the Site Navigation panel for all owners and members of the SharePoint site.