You can now Turn off Notifications for Trusted Shares you have created. The functionality is located under your Policy options at the creation of the Trusted Share as shown below.

Once you have selected the rest of the Policies you would like to apply from your Trusted Share go ahead and Share your file.
Once the recipients receive the file and contribute either by replying to your message or making any changes to the file(s) you will notice you no longer receive notification emails. You will continue to receive Notifications about replies as always in your Notifications tab in CWP.

However, if at any point you decide to add a Collaborator to your Trusted Share after its creation, they will receive email Notifications normally. This is to allow added Collaborators at a later point to get up to date with the conversation.
To disable the feature for all Collaborators at any point after you have created the Trusted Share simply navigate to your My Shares tab and under the Actions menu click the three dots and select Options. From the Options tab simply uncheck the Disable email notifications box.

Important Clarification: When both Disable email Notifications and Notify recipients on Share updates are enabled, the Owner as well as the original Recipients receive no email notifications when the TS is updated. Notifications tab functionality in CWP remains unchanged. The functionality remains the same for any new recipient that is added after the TS creation(will receive email notifications).