Shares API
The Shares API provides a way to create, update and get information about Trusted Shares. Trusted Shares can be created either by the user making the request or on behalf of someone else. An example of the latter scenarios is eShare's Secure Mail Gateway, which is an application that receives e-mails and creates Trusted Shares with the attachments and body of the e-mail. The application makes requests to eShare server but it creates Trusted Share on behalf of the e-mail sender.
A Trusted Share has three required properties:
- Recipients – A list of emails that the Trusted Share should be send to
- Shared item – The Item can either be already located in the provider or can be uploaded later.
- Options – Permissions that the recipients will have
Recipients are defined with a list of valid emails and for each recipient a separate URL will be created. Each such URL is called “Collaboration”.
The shared item can be already located in the provider, in which case a mount point and an item id are required to create the TS. If these two are not supplied with the request, then eShare will create a new folder in the provider under a folder called “outbox” to put all files that the user may upload.
Options are the permissions given to the recipients by the user. It’s a JSON object with the following properties:
- “can_read” (Boolean): Recipient can view/read items
- “can_create” (Boolean): Recipient can create new folders and files
- “can_edit” (Boolean): Recipient can edit files on-line.
- “can_delete” (Boolean): Recipient can delete files and folders.
- “can_download” (Boolean): Recipient can download files
- “watermark” (Boolean): If the file must be watermarked with recipient’s email and ip
- “login_required” (Boolean): The user must login in eShare prior to accessing the TS
- “enforce_openid” (Boolean): If eShare detects that the recipient has an OpenID enabled email, enforce to login with OpenID. EShare checks for GSuite and Office365 accounts.
- “require_terms_of_use” (Boolean): Recipient must agree to the Terms Of Use before accessing the TS
- “show_terms_once” (Boolean): If eShare should show the terms of use only once if the user has agreed to them.
- “expiration” (integer): The time in seconds this TS should remain accessible.
- “pin_protected” (Boolean): Recipient must enter a pin (security code) before accessing the TS
- “pin” (string): Pin value
- “send_pin_on_email” (Boolean): eShare will send the pin with an email
- “secure_conversation_enabled” (Boolean): If the Secure Conversation should be enabled for this TS (defaults True)
- “only_message_owner” (Boolean): When Secure Conversations are enabled, recipient messages will be visible to the TS owner (default False)
- “message” (string): A brief message to be displayed to the recipient.
All Shares API requests are authenticated by using the Authorization header with the device token of the user making the request. This will be provided by eShare.
Authorization (case sensitive): NCC token=<your_token>
Available endpoints
- Get My Shares
- Get Shared with Me Shares
- Create a Share
- Get info about a TS
- Add recipients to a TS and
Status codes are REST compliant, 2xx for successes, 3xx for redirects, 4xx for request errors, 5xx for server errors.
The main object returned in this set of endpoints is a ShareData Object, which holds the attributes of the share. It may include a list of recipients which is represented by a list of ShareRecipient Objects.
ShareData Object
- mount_id (string): Unique identifier of the current user's mount to the collaboration
- identity_id (string): Unique identifier of the identity created the TS
- name (string): The collaboration's name
- url (string): URL the current user can view the collaboration online with,
- category (integer): The Share category (3: TS, 4:SM, 5: Bot sharepoint share)
- type (string): The Share type
- is_offline (boolean): Whether the share can be made offline in a client device
- is_swml_share (boolean): Whether the share was created through ShareWithMe functionality
- swml_share_unsubscribed (boolean): Whether the ShareWithMe Share originator used the unsubscribe link to disable it
- is_single_file (boolean): Whether the share is a single file
- created (string): Creation date
- last_modified (string): Modification date
- metadata_revision (string): A unique identifier that changes when the share properties are changed
- id (string): Unique identifier of the share
- recipients (array[ShareRecipient]): Recipient dependent share url
- can_create (boolean): Whether the share has can_create option
- can_read (boolean): Whether the share has can_read option
- can_download (boolean): Whether the share has can_download option
ShareRecipient Object
- id (string): Unique identifier of the share recipient,
- email (string): Email of the share recipient
- url (string): URL the recipient can view the collaboration online with
- last_accessed (string): Last access date
- expires_at (string): Expiration date, null if the share does not expire
- is_active (boolean): Whether the share is active
- communication_status (string): Status of email send to recipient
- communication_log (string): Logs of email sending process
- is_deleted (Boolean): Whether the recipient is permanently removed
Get My Shares
Method: GET
URL: /api/3.0/shares/by-me/
Optional query parameters:
- name (string): Return Shares with matching name
- mount_id (string): Return matching mount point id
- offline (Boolean): Whether to return collaborations that are available offline.
- category (integer): Only return Shares of certain category (3: TS, 4: SM, 5: Bot)
- type (string): Only return Shares of certain type:
- TS: Trusted Share
- SM: Secure Mail
- BOT: Bot Share
- BOT-SP: Bot share through SharePoint
- SWML: ShareWithMeLink Share
- BLOB: TS using Blob Storage
- inactive (Boolean): Whether to return inactive collaborations, defaults to false
- shares_revision (string): The current 'shares_revision'. If unchanged, no shares are returned
- include_url (Boolean): Include a CWP URL in response
- include_recipients (boolean): Include ShareRecipient objects in response
The shares_revision parameter can be used to gat incremental listing of the user’s shares. When given without any value a value for this will be returned in the response. If this value is included in a subsequent request, only the new shares will be returned and a new shares_revision identifier
- shares (array[ShareData]): Shares owned by me. Not returned if the passed shares_revision is the latest,
- shares_revision (string): An identifier that changes whenever the active list of my shares is modified. This value concerns all my shares, not just the ones currently filtered by this query
Get Shared with Me Shares
Method: GET
URL: /api/3.0/shares/with-me/
Optional query parameters:
- name (string): Return Shares with matching name
- mount_id (string): Return matching mount point id
- offline (Boolean): Whether to return collaborations that are available offline.
- category (integer): Only return Shares of certain category (3: TS, 4: SM, 5: Bot)
- type (string): Only return Shares of certain type:
- TS: Trusted Share
- SM: Secure Mail
- BOT: Bot Share
- BOT-SP: Bot share through SharePoint
- SWML: ShareWithMeLink Share
- inactive (Boolean): Whether to return inactive collaborations, defaults to false
- shares_revision (string): The current 'shares_revision'. If unchanged, no shares are returned
- include_url (Boolean): Include a CWP URL in response
- can_download (Boolean): Whether to return only collaborations that allow downloads
- watermarked (Boolean): Whether to return only collaborations that apply watermarking
The shares_revision parameter can be used to gat incremental listing of the user’s shares. When given without any value a value for this will be returned in the response. If this value is included in a subsequent request, only the new shares will be returned and a new shares_revision identifier
- shares (array[ShareData]): Shares owned by me. Not returned if the passed shares_revision is the latest,
- shares_revision (string): An identifier that changes whenever the active list of my shares is modified. This value concerns all my shares, not just the ones currently filtered by this query
Create Trusted Share
Creating a TS is a complex process and may include many steps until a TS is created. A separate document describes all the use cases and how to this endpoint. Here we give a brief description of the attributes being used.
Method: POST
URL: /api/3.0/shares/
- action (string): One of: ‘create’ (default),’initialize’, ‘send’ and ‘finalize’
- recipients (array Email): Required. A list of recipient emails
- options (Options Object): Required. The options to be used
- identity_id (string): Required. The guid of the sender’s identity
- sharing_policy_id (integer): The sharing policy id used to verify the given options, if not present the options will be verified against the default Organization policy
- mount_id(integer): If not set (as in the fat client), server will generate the mount point, creating any container folders as necessary
- item_id (string): If set, an existing item located in the provider defined from mount_id will be shared
- share_id (string): This is the TS guid. If not set by client, server will generate it. Required in case the action is ‘send’ or ‘finalize’
- share_name (string): A name for this share. If not present the TS will be named after the folder or the file being shared
- share_message_id (integer): Id of first shared message. It is used during finalization of TS in order to insert items metadata in message
- category (string): TS or SM default is TS
The response varies upon the arguments given and the action being done. The most use case is “action”: “create” with mount_id and Item_id. In this case the following object is returned.
- share (ShareData Object): The share object created
- mount_point (string): String respresantation of the mount point
- item_id (string): The item_id that is shared
Request: POST /api/3.0/shares/
"recipients": ["<recipient_email>"],
"mount_id": <mount_point_id>,
"item_id": "<item_id>",
"options": {
"can_read": true,
"can_download": true,
"expiration": 86400
"identity_id": "<identity_guid"
- mount_id: Can be found by getting the list of proivder mounts with /api/3.0/mounts/list?category=1
- item_id: Can be found by getting a list of items with /api/3.0/mounts/<mount_id>/items
- identity_id: Can be found by issuing a GET request to /api/3.0/identities
"share": {
"mount_id": "2587",
"identity_id": "Cebw2e6kj6zY",
"name": "local_folder1",
"url": "…...",
"category": 3,
"type": "Trusted Share",
"is_offline": false,
"is_swml_share": false,
"swml_share_unsubscribed": false,
"is_single_file": false,
"created": "2020-01-09T13:41:22Z",
"last_modified": "2020-01-09T13:41:22Z",
"metadata_revision": "2e1f59e1-0558-4876-9547-b6e53d1c066f",
"id": "a6RYpKx8bqZM",
"recipients": [
"id": "4647",
"email": "",
"url": "…...",
"last_accessed": null,
"expires_at": "2020-01-10T13:41:22Z",
"is_active": true,
"communication_status": "in_flight",
"communication_log": "",
"is_deleted": false
"mount_point": "NnZV82oS /local_folder1/",
"item_id": "/local_folder1/"
Get information about a Share
Method: GET
URL: /api/3.0/shares/<share_id>
Optional query parameters:
- include_recipients(Boolean): Return recipient info
- include_options (Boolean): Return options info
“share” (ShareData Object): A share data object, with optionally recipient and options info
Events API
eShare provides an Events API which can be used to get events of Trusted Shares, such as file uploads, file deletions etc.
Authentication of the request is performed through the Authorization header, having the device token of the user that owns the TS. The user must first enable publishing for specific shares and then poll the Events endpoint to get any new events.
The endpoint provides a ‘cursor’ for each event it sends. The user must save the last cursor and send it in a subsequent request to get only the new events that have happened since the last request, otherwise all events, from the time the shared got published, will be returned.
Event types
The user can supply the event types that wants to get events for. The following types are supported:
- file_add – New file added to the TS
- file_updated – File updated
- file_edit – Edited online
- file_open – Opened/Viewed
- file_download - Downloaded
- file_delete – Deleted
The user can limit the amount of events to be returned from the endpoint. Default is 100 events. Maximum is 500. If there are more events to be returned than the limit, then the “has_more” attribute will be true. The user can get the next bunch of events by supplying the latest cursor value.
Enable publishing of events for a specific share
Headers: Authorization (case sensitive): NCC token=<device_token>
Method: POST
URL: /api/3.1/shares/<share_id>/publish-events
Content-type: application/json
Status code: 200
Body: {}
Disable publishing of events for a specific share
Headers: Authorization (case sensitive): NCC token=<device_token>
Method: POST
URL: /api/3.1/shares/<share_id>/unpublish-events
Content-type: application/json
Status code: 200
Body: {}
Get events
Headers: Authorization (case sensitive): NCC token=<device_token>
Method: GET
URL: /api/3.1/events
Query Params:
- share_id: comma separated list of share ids the user wants events from
- event_type: comma separated list of event types
- since: last cursor value
- limit: number if events to return, default 100, max 500.
Content-type: application/json
Status code: 200
Body: {
“events”: [<list_of_event_objects>],
“has_more”: <boolean>
Event Object:
- id (string): Unique identifier of the event,
- type (choice) = The event type,
- created_at (string): Creation timestamp of the event, as recorded by,
- recorded_at (string): Timestamp when the event was received and recorded by the server,
- actor (EventActorObject),
- context (EventContextObject),
- cursor (string): A cursor identifying the event sequence at this event.
Event Actor Object:
- email (string): The email of the user that generated the event,
- user (EventActorUserObject ): User information available if the event actor is a user,
- identity (EventActorIdentityObject ): Identity information if the event actor has an identity,
- organization (EventActorOrganizationObject ): Organization information if the event actor belongs to an organization
Event Actor User Object:
- id (string): Unique identifier of the user that generated the event,
- name (string): The user's name
Event Actor Identity Object:
- id (string): Unique identifier of the user's identity,
- name (string): The user's identity name
Event Actor Organization Object:
- id (string): Unique identifier of the actor's organization,
- name (string): The organization's name
Event Context Object:
- file (FileEventContextObject)
File Event Context Object:
- id (string): Unique file identifier,
- name (string): The file name,
- etag (string): The file Etag,
- version (string): The file version, can be used to download that version of the file,
- path_at_provider (string): The full path of the file at the provider,
- mounts (array[FileMountObject]): The mounts and shares the file belongs to, may be more than one,
- created (string),
- last_modified (string),
- size (integer)
File Mount Object:
- mount_id (string): Unique identifier of the mount the file belongs to,
- share_id (string): Unique identifier of the share the file belongs to,
- path_at_mount (string): The path of the file at this mount
GET /api/3.1/events?share_id=jpwUMHCuxnkB,k8D4nSrPrDJy&event_type=file_add,file_edit&since=eyJ2IjogMSwgInAiOiBbeyJwIjogOTAsICJvIjogMzF9XX0=
"events": [
"id": "qBe7yZQ5ZfLZ",
"type": "file_add",
"created_at": "2019-12-31T09:41:18Z",
"recorded_at": "2019-12-31T09:41:18Z",
"actor": {
"email": ""
"context": {
"file": {
"id": "015ZE4P2RV4LHXD5G66BA3KCRD63JCC2M6",
"name": "500shares_production.png",
"etag": "\"{71CFE235-DEF4-41F0-B50A-23F6D221699E},1\"",
"version": "1.0",
"path_at_provider": "/ppe_events/500shares_production.png",
"mounts": [
"mount_id": "164034",
"share_id": "jpwUMHCuxnkB",
"path_at_mount": "/500shares_production.png"
"created": "2019-12-31T09:41:17Z",
"last_modified": "2019-12-31T09:41:17Z",
"size": 23664
"cursor": "eyJ2IjogMSwgInAiOiBbeyJwIjogOTAsICJvIjogMjN9XX0="
"id": "a4iQHieTUVAN",
"type": "file_add",
"created_at": "2019-12-31T10:19:35Z",
"recorded_at": "2019-12-31T10:19:35Z",
"actor": {
"email": ""
"context": {
"file": {
"name": "accounts1.png",
"etag": "\"{65A3730F-3185-4CC4-9A15-82E6899309FE},1\"",
"version": "1.0",
"path_at_provider": "/ppe_events2/accounts1.png",
"mounts": [
"mount_id": "164035",
"share_id": "k8D4nSrPrDJy",
"path_at_mount": "/accounts1.png"
"created": "2019-12-31T10:19:34Z",
"last_modified": "2019-12-31T10:19:34Z",
"size": 197082
"cursor": "eyJ2IjogMSwgInAiOiBbeyJwIjogOTAsICJvIjogMjR9XX0="
"has_more": false
In this example the user asked for events of shares jpwUMHCuxnkB and k8D4nSrPrDJy, for event types file_add and file_edit, since the eyJ2IjogMSwgInAiOiBbeyJwIjogOTAsICJvIjogMzF8FFg= cursor.
The response includes one event per share, both are file_add events and information about who uploaded the file and about the new file.
eShare service assumes that a publish request has already been done for each share.
POST /api/3.1/shares/jpwUMHCuxnkB/publish-events
POST /api/3.1/shares/k8D4nSrPrDJy/publish-events
The only information about the ‘uploader’ that is returned is the email, because the user does not have an account with eShare. If they did, then user, identity and probably organization objects would had been returned.
All timestamps are returned in UTC time.
Mount API
eShare provides a consistent way to work with your files regardless wherever these files are stored. The user needs to supply a Mount Point Id. Mount Point is an eShare term which is used to describe a specific folder found in a specific provider. eShare will contact the provider to get information or data thus making the entire process transparent to the user. The Mount Point ID can be found in the response of a Create Share request, in the response of the Events request or can be provided by eShare.
All Mount API requests are authenticated by using the Authorization header with the device token of the user making the request.
Authorization (case sensitive): NCC token=<your_token>
Content type
All requests expect and return json format data. An exception is the upload request which must be multipart/form-data because the binary content of the file will be in the request body.
Available actions
List all mounts
List files and folders of a mount point root folder
Create a new folder in mount point’s root folder
List files and folders of a specific folder
Create new folder in a folder
Get metadata of a folder or file
Delete files or folders
Copy files
Move files
Download files
Upload files
Status codes are REST compliant, 2xx for successes, 3xx for redirects, 4xx for request errors, 5xx for server errors.
When listing files or folders a FileOrFolderMetadata object is returned for each one.
cloud_provider (string),
name (string),
original_name (string),
guid (string),
id (string),
is_shared (boolean),
full_path (string),
type (choice) = ['folder' or 'google_team_drive' or 'file']: The type of items,
created (string): RFC 3339 timestamp of the item creation date, may be missing,
last_modified (string): RFC 3339 timestamp of the item modification date, may be missing for folders,
view_url (string): The URL through which the item is viewable on the web client,
mimetype (string),
revision (string): The file's Etag, can be used to determine if the file has been changed for conditional requests. Might be different than the file's version depending on the provider.,
version (string): The file's version, which can be used to download specific versions of a file. Might be different than the Etag depending on the provider,
size (integer),
is_zip (boolean),
version_id (string): The current version of the folder,
is_versioned (boolean): Whether this folder is versioned,
version_date (string): When the current version was published,
version_update_topic_id (string): Topic id for this folder's version updates notifications,
version_is_outdated (boolean): Is current folder state from cloud provider different from the latest published state,
is_folder (boolean): Whether the item is a folder
parents (list): A list of dictionaries with parent ids
There are also two cut-down versions of this object representing either a file or folder.
cloud_provider (string),
name (string),
original_name (string),
guid (string),
id (string),
is_shared (boolean),
full_path (string),
type (choice) = ['folder' or 'google_team_drive' or 'file']: The type of items,
created (string): RFC 3339 timestamp of the item creation date, may be missing,
last_modified (string): RFC 3339 timestamp of the item modification date, may be missing for folders,
view_url (string): The URL through which the item is viewable on the web client,
version_id (string): The current version of the folder,
is_versioned (boolean): Whether this folder is versioned,
version_date (string): When the current version was published,
version_update_topic_id (string): Topic id for this folder's version updates notifications,
version_is_outdated (boolean): Is current folder state from cloud provider different from the latest published state
cloud_provider (string),
name (string),
original_name (string),
guid (string),
id (string),
is_shared (boolean),
full_path (string),
type (choice) = ['folder' or 'google_team_drive' or 'file']: The type of items,
created (string): RFC 3339 timestamp of the item creation date, may be missing,
last_modified (string): RFC 3339 timestamp of the item modification date, may be missing for folders,
view_url (string): The URL through which the item is viewable on the web client,
mimetype (string),
revision (string): The file's Etag, can be used to determine if the file has been modified and for conditional requests. Might be different than the file's version depending on the provider
version (string): The file's version, which can be used to download specific versions of a file. Might be different than the Etag depending on the provider,
size (integer),
is_zip (boolean)
The most important fields are:
id – Will be used in a subsequent request as <item_id>
name – The name of file or folder
is_folder – Boolean
mimetype – The mimetype of the file
size – Size of file
List all mounts
This endpoint returns a list of all Secure Views owned by the user. A Secure View is the object holding information about a Mount Point and a Cloud Provider.
Method: GET
URL: /api/3.0/mounts/list
Optional query parameters:
- category: Return only that category mounts. Valid categories are:
- 1 – Provider mounts
- 2 – Not used, deprecated
- 3 – Trusted Share
- 4 – Secure Mail
- 5 – Bot share
- provider: Return only providers with this name
“pagination” (PagintionObject): Information about the paged results
“results” (arraySecureViewObject): List of mounts
Pagination Object:
“results” (integer): Total number of results
“pages” (integer): Number of pages needed to display all results
“links” (object): {
“next” (string): Next page URL,
“previous” (string): Previous page URL
Secure View Object:
id (string): Secure View ID
is_corporate (Boolean): If this a corporate entity or personal
mount_points (array[MountPointsObject]): list of Mount Points
last_modified (string): Timestamp
created (string): Timestamp
guid (string): Secure View GUID
slug (string): Unique name of Secure View
name (string): Name of Secure View
category (choice): ['1' or '2' or '3' or '4' or '5'],
active (Boolean): If the Secure View is active
hidden (Boolean): If the Secure View is hidden
identity_id (string): Owner identity of this secure view,
type_id (string): Type of identity
Mount Point Object:
id (string): Mount Point ID
created (string) Timestamp
last_modified (string): Timestamp
is_folder (Boolean): If this is a folder
encrypted (Boolean): If it is encrypted
cloud_provider_auth (CloudProviderObject)
Cloud Provider Object:
id (string): Provider ID
provider_slug (string): Unique name of the provider
List files and folders of mount point’s root folder
Method: GET
URL: /api/3.0/mounts/<mount_id>/items
Optional query parameters:
- name: Return only metadata for a specific item
- is_folder: If True, return only folder items. If False, return only file items. If not present, then both folder and file items are returned
“items”: [
FileOrFolderMetadata object
Create a new folder in mount point’s root folder
Method: POST
URL: /api/3.0/mounts/<mount_id>/items
- folder_name(string): New folder’s name
- folder_type(string): One of “public”, “private”, “shared”
- item_id(string): The Id of the new folder
- full_path(string): The full path if it is available (maybe it is the same as the item_id)
- guid(string): The guid of the new folder (maybe it is the same as the item_id)
Error response codes:
- 409 – Conflict. There is already a file or folder named the same
- 422 – Unprocessable. The item_id given in the url is not a folder
List files and folders of a specific folder
Method: GET
URL: /api/3.0/mounts/<mount_id>/items/<item_id>/items
“items”: [
FileOrFolderMetadata object
Optional query parameters:
- name: Return only metadata for a specific item
- is_folder: If True, return only folder items. If False, return only file items. If not present, then both folder and file items are returned
Create new folder in a specific folder
Method: POST
URL: /api/3.0/mounts/<mount_id>/items/<item_id>/items
- folder_name(string): New folder’s name
- folder_type(string): One of “public”, “private”, “shared”, defaults to “public”
- item_id(string): The Id of the new folder
- full_path(string): The full path if it is available (maybe is the same as item_id)
- guid(string): The guid of the new folder (maybe is the same as item_id)
Error response codes:
- 409 – Conflict. There is already a file or folder named the same
- 422 – Unprocessable. The item_id given in the url is not a folder
Get the metadata of specific folder or file
Method: GET
URL: /api/3.0/mounts/<mount_id>/items/<item_id>
- metadata (FileOrFolderMetadata): Metadata for the specified item,
- subfolders (array[FolderMetadata]): Metadata for the specified item's subfolders,
- files (array[FileMetadata]): Metadata for the specified item's files
Optional query parameters:
- include_subfolders: whether to include the metadata of subfolders
- include_files: Default True, if set to False, only metadata are returned
Rename folder or file
Method: PATCH
URL: /api/3.0/mounts/<mount_id>/items/<item_id>
- rename_to (string): New name of folder or file
- metadata (FileOrFolderMetadata): Metadata for the specified item,
Delete files or folders
Method: DELETE
URL: /api/3.0/mounts/<mount_id>/items/<item_id>
item(string): The item id that was deleted
Warning: This will perform a direct request to the provider to remove the item. There is no confirmation step. If the item is a folder, all its contents will be removed.
Copy files
Method: POST
URL: /api/3.0/mounts/<mount_id>/items/copy
- source_items(array): List of items to copy
- destination_id(string): Destination folder id
- task_id (string): ID of started Celery task,
- task_url (string): Url for checking the status of started Celery task
The source_items field accepts an array of item objects. The item object must hold at least the fields item_id and name. The response has a task_id which can be queried with the Tasks API to get the progress of the copy process.
Move files
Method: POST
URL: /api/3.0/mounts/<mount_id>/items/move
- source_items(array): List of items to move
- destination_id(string): Destination folder id
- task_id (string): ID of started Celery task,
- task_url (string): Url for checking the status of started Celery task
The source_items field accepts an array of item objects. The item object must have at least the fields item_id and name. The response has a task_id which can be queried with the Tasks API to get the progress of the move process
Downloading and uploading files
Download and upload are two step processes when working with eShare. For download, the requested file needs to be downloaded to eShare server and maybe decrypt it and then the user can download it locally. For upload, the file first needs to be uploaded to eShare server, maybe encrypt it, and then upload it to the provider space. It is recommended to break up large files (>30MB) into chunks and upload each chunk separately. If a chunk is not uploaded correctly it can be retried.
Initialize download
Method: POST
URL: /api/3.0/mounts/<mount_id>/items/download
- items(array[Item]): List of items to download
- is_download(boolean): If this is a download request and no conversion will take place.
- tasks (array[Task]): List of task info objects
Task object:
- item_id (string): Id of item.,
- ready (boolean): If the latest item revision is present in our cache.,
- task_id (string): Id of started Celery task.,
- task_url (string): The URL to check for task status,
- revision (string): Revision of the item to be downloaded,
- counts (Counts): Counts of items enumerated for the download.,
- download_url (string): url to download the item once it is ready.,
- preview_url (string): url to preview the item once it is ready.,
- office_url (string): url to start edit the item in Office Online once it is ready.,
- office_preload_url (string): url to preload Office Online resources.,
- error_type (choice) = ['password-protected' or 'sensitive-document' or 'download-prohibited-by-policy' or 'permissions-denied' or 'key-access-forbidden' or 'download-size-limit-exceeded' or 'directory-is-empty']: Error code.,
- error_message (string): Friendly error message.,
- error_details (string): Extra information related to the error.
Count object:
- folders (integer): Number of folders to download.,
- subfolders (integer): Number of subfolders to download.,
- files (integer): Number of files to download.,
- total_size (integer): Total downloaded size in bytes.
The array of Items to send in the request must include at least the field item_id. Each file is downloaded and stored in eShare’s cache and can be retrieved with the Download content request.
The response has a task_id which can be queried with the Tasks API to get the progress of the download process.
The response has a property called download_url. This is the url that should be used to download the file from eShare's cache. It has extra information like revision, is_folder, etc, that are crucial in the download content task.
Download content
Method: GET
URL: /api/3.0/mounts/<mount_id>/items/<item_id>/content
Query parameters:
- is_download (Boolean): Should be set to true, for a download operation.
- is_folder (Boolean): if the requested item_id is a folder
- revision (sttring): The revision that is being downloaded. Required for most providers.
- raw (Boolean): If true the file was downloaded from provider and no other action has been done upon the file.
Response: Binary content of the file requested. The response body should be saved in a file stream-like object.
Description: The file must be already located in eShare’s cache, or else it will fail.
Initialize upload
Method: POST
URL: /api/3.0/mounts/<mount_id>/items/upload
- mount_id(string): Required – Id of mount point
- parent_id(string): The id of the folder to upload into. If not specified, the upload will take place into the root folder of the mount.
- path(string): The path, relative to mount point’s root, to upload the file to. If not exists it will be created. If not specified, the upload will take place into the root folder of the mount.
- file_name(string): Required – File name
- size(integer): Required – Size of file in bytes
- overwrite(bool): Overwrite existing file. Default is false
- upload_id (string): New upload id.
- parent_id (string): The id of the item the file will be uploaded to.
Upload chunk
Method: POST
URL: /api/3.0/mounts/<mount_id>/items/upload/<upload_id>/
Type: multipart/form-data
Body form data:
- mount_id: Required – Id of mount point
- file_name: Required - File name to create
- chunk: Required Binary – Contents of chunk
- checksum: Required – MD5 checksum of chunk’s contents
- chunk_order: Required Integer - The sequence order of this chunk, zero indexed
- is_last_chunk: Boolean – True if this is the last chunk
If the uploaded chunk is not the last one:
- size(integer): The size of the received chunk
If the chunk is the last one:
- task_id(string): The task_id to query the Tasks API for results.
Get information about upload status
During or after the upload of chunks you can request information about the upload status. It is simpler to use this url to get information instead of the Tasks API.
Method: GET
URL: /api/3.0/mounts/<mount_id>/items/upload/<upload_id>/
- upload (UploadObject): The upload session
Upload Object:
- id (string),
- type (choice) = ['copy' or 'encrypt' or 'folder_transfer' or 'move' or 'decrypt' or 'upload'],
- status (choice) = ['failed' or 'finished' or 'receiving_chunks' or 'in_progress' or 'initialized'],
- reason (string): Failure reason,
- mount_id (string),
- parent_id (string): The id of the folder to upload into,
- filename (string): Filename to create,
- file_created (string): The creation date of the file,
- file_last_modified (string): The last modification date of the file,
- overwrite (boolean): Whether to overwrite an existing file,
- encrypt (string),
- created (string),
- expired (boolean),
- size_received (integer): Size in bytes of the file chunks received so far,
- item (string): JSON with the item metadata,
- share_message (string): Shared message
The upload is successful when all chunks are uploaded to eShare and the Upload Sessions status field is finished.
Tasks API
Many of our process can be completed with one-pass. For example, if a user requests to view a file that is being watermark protected, the file must first be downloaded from the provider, get decrypted, apply the watermark and then sent to browser for viewing. Depending on the file size this whole process can take several seconds. In order to complete it, a task is fired for every step. When a task has completed its job, it fires the next task that must be executed and so on.
Getting the results usually results in a new task that must be queried to get results from. When there is no next task to query the whole process has been finished.
All Tasks API requests are authenticated by using the Authorization header with the device token of the user making the request.
Authorization: NCC token=<your_token>
Task results
Method: GET
URL: /api/3.1/tasks/<task_id>
- id (string): The task unique identifier,
- status (choice) = ['RECEIVED' or 'RETRY' or 'REVOKED' or 'SUCCESS' or 'STARTED' or 'FAILURE' or 'PENDING']: The task status,
- result (object): The task result if it is available
The result object may vary if the first has started one or many parallel tasks.
- If there are many parallel tasks then an array of Task Info objects are returned.
- tasks_info(arrayTaskInfo): List of tasks that have been started
Task Info object:
- item_id(string): Item Id
- task_id(string): Task id to query for results
- is_folder(bool): If the Item is a folder
- name(string): Name of the item
- If a single task has been started then the result will be:
- next_task(string): The next task id to query
- progress(integer): An integer indicating the progress of the whole process. 100 means there is nothing else pending to do.
- If there is no next_task, then the result is:
- next_task: null
- result(objectFileOrFolderMetadata): Object with information about the performed action
Azure Blob storage API
Depending on the storage provider used by an organization, use of traditional cloud storage services like OneDrive, SharePoint, Google Drive, etc. may not be suitable for mass usage. Especially organizations using OneDrive/SharePoint as a storage provider may have experienced throttling from Microsoft’s Graph API with high number of file transactions.
To address the issue, eShare also supports API endpoint by using Azure’s Storage as a provider for creation of Trusted Shares. Additionally, usage of API endpoint for Azure Blob is simpler and more suitable for sending large number of single files in each Trusted Share. Instead of issuing two or three requests to create, upload and send the Trusted Share, only one is needed with this API endpoint. The Azure Blob storage API endpoint requires a one-time setup and then can be used as detailed in the Usage section below.
The Azure Blob API endpoint accepts content type multipart/form-data and not application/json. This is because the file to be send will be also included in the request.
URL: /api/3.0/shares/blob/
Method: POST
When using 3.0: Authorization: NCC token=<your_token>
When using 3.1: Authorization: NCCAPP token=<your_token>
NCC-IDENTITY-EMAIL: <email_of_the_sender>
recipients: email of recipient – Required
recipients_cc: email of cc recipient
recipients_bcc: email of bcc recipient
Due to the type of the request, you can include more than ‘recipients’ fields to have the same file sent to multiple recipients.
share_name: Your own name for the share
share_id: Your own id for the share
message: Short message
identity_id: required when version 3.0 is used.
pin: required if the policy has ‘pin protected’ option set.
file: the content of the file to be send. max. size 10MB - Required
The response will be a Share object containing information about the created share, and about the recipients, e.g.
"share": {
"mount_id": "2582",
"identity_id": "hbU9sVPafdqG",
"name": "payslip201912-4",
"url": null,
"category": 3,
"type": "Trusted Share (through Blob Storage)",
"is_offline": false,
"is_swml_share": false,
"swml_share_unsubscribed": false,
"is_single_file": false,
"created": "2019-12-03T09:10:27Z",
"last_modified": "2019-12-03T09:10:27Z",
"metadata_revision": "30d906ec-280e-4023-843b-fb6d6d3cdcb2",
"id": "ebad3b8e-e31d-483b-bf58-df784cd8d304",
"recipients": [
"id": "4630",
"email": "<recipient_email>",
"url": "<unique_recipient_url>",
"last_accessed": null,
"expires_at": "2020-02-03T09:10:27Z",
"is_active": true,
"communication_status": "not_sent",
"communication_log": "",
"is_deleted": false
The authorization, response and the field names are the same as the general API endpoints described above. The main difference is the type of the request and that only one request is required to create and send a Trusted Share.