eShare 147 Release Notes
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Tags
We now allow organizations to extend their DLP programs and policies to their external sharing by defining DLP Tags that are functionally equivalent to sensitivity labels. Admins define DLP Tags based on their organization’s Microsoft Purview DLP rules and apply these tags to sharing polices, just as labels are applied. eShare ingests Purview DLP audit events from M365 and uses these events to determine a file’s DLP Tag in real-time, when a file is accessed. These tags are used, just as labels are, to select the sharing policy that governs the file’s access and use.
DLP Tags will be of value to organizations who want to control their external sharing based on the content of shared files but have not deployed Microsoft Purview sensitivity labels. For many, this is because they do not have the necessary M365 E5 license or have lengthy internal decision-making processes. DLP Tags also allow organizations to extend their existing DLP programs and associated policies to their external file sharing.
More details can be found on our support site and provided by your customer success engineer.
Uploading files/folders to an existing Trusted Share using a Microsoft link
Users can now add a file/folder to a Trusted Share using a Microsoft file/folder link. These links are most commonly generated using “Copy Link” from within SharePoint, Teams and OneDrive. The addition of files/folders is achieved via the “Upload” menu within a Trusted Share, using the submenu option “File/Folder via Link”. Note that only links from your organization’s M365 tenant can be used to add content into a Trusted Share. Also note that the files are not copied, but are instead incorporated into the share via the link.
OTP Persistence timeout period can now be configured.
The OTP persistence timeout period was set by default to 14 days. To allow a range of security/productivity trade-offs to be met, we now allow the admin to define the persistence in days, ranging from 1 to 30.
Easier management of a newly created Trusted Share
The Trusted Sharing completion modal, displayed after a new share is created, now includes two buttons. One allows the user to open the newly created share so that they can manage or participate in the share. The second allows the user to copy a shareable link to the newly created Trusted Share. The copied link can be pasted into an email or text message to draw a recipient’s attention to the share.
On “Manage recipients” drawer, when the ‘bulk actions' button was clicked and followed by clicking another tab, the ‘bulk actions’ dropdown was kept open. This created an issue especially for the tabs with no recipients. This has been corrected and should no longer be the case.
When a user tried to pin an item and the maximum number of pins had been reached, no error message was displayed. This has been corrected and should no longer be the case.
When an email contained an emoji, the Trusted Shares created by the Secure Mail Gateway did not contain the full email body within Secure Conversations. This has been corrected and should no longer be the case.
Link conversion for plain text URLs in secure conversations wasn’t working properly. This has been corrected and should no longer be the case.
In Trusted Domains, if a domain had OTP set "Override to No", users were still being prompted for an OTP. However, when they requested an OTP code, the code was never sent. This has been corrected and should no longer be the case.
External recipients could not access a Trusted Share, that was created through SMG, which required an OTP. After user’s first access and after “OTP persistence timeout period” was over, the user received an error, and he couldn't access the Trusted Share. This has been corrected and should no longer be the case.
When a “Copy Recipients to Clipboard” action was performed within Manage Recipients, the recipients were copied to the clipboard with a comma delimiter, which is not supported by Outlook. We now use a semicolon as the delimiter.