This guide is designed to provide eShare administrators a high level overview of each module found within your Organization’s Admin Console.
User Management:
User Management is where you are able to view all internal users who have logged into your organizations eShare tenant and manage their eShare account. From this view you are able to:
- Disable user accounts so they can no longer login to eShare
- Re-enable disabled accounts
- Promote users to admin roles
- Admin Roles Available: eShare Administrator and Audit Reader
- Assign Corporate Brandings or Vanity Domains to specific users
- View a user’s last login time
Corporate Branding
Corporate Branding is where you create Branding for your eShare Portal and Email notifications. Organizations can have more than one Brand for their eShare tenant and assign these brands to different users. Logo requirements for Branding are:
- Full Color: Your organizations Full Colored logo in (200x50 pixels) .png format
- White Color: Your organizations Full White logo in (200x50 pixels) .png format
- Notification logo: Your organizations logo in (192x192 pixels) .png format
- Conversation Avatar: Your organizations logo in (35x35 pixels) .png format
- Header Side Icon: A logo or Dog ear in (35x35 pixels) .png format
- Fav Icon: Your organizations logo in (16x16 pixels) .png format
You will also need your company’s Primary, Secondary, and tertiary colors in Hexcode format.
CWP e-mail branding
CWP e-mail branding is where you will see previews of the email notification templates that will be sent to your internal and external users based upon certain activities performed in the eShare platform. These templates are based upon the configured corporate brandings for your eShare tenant.
SMG e-mail branding
SMG e-mail branding is where you will see previews of the Secure Email templates that will be send to your internal and external users if your emails are secured by your organizations secure collaboration Gateway Appliance. These templates are based upon the configured corporate brandings for your eShare tenant.
Device Policy
Device Policy is where you configure tenant wide settings for your organization. The Corporate management section of device policy contains most of the important tenant wide settings like “Enable Office Online”, “OTP Persistence”, “Enable ABAC Service for all shares”, etc. Most settings in the other sections of Device Policy have been deprecated and can be ignored as they will be removed in upcoming releases.
Folder policy
This feature is deprecated and will be removed from the console in future releases.
Sharing Policies
Sharing Policies is where you configure policies which dictate how your users share data in the eShare platform. Organizations can create as many sharing policies as they would like, however be aware you cannot delete sharing policies and can only disable any Sharing Policies you no longer wish to apply.
Sharing Policies can be assigned/mapped to modules such as SharePoint or Personal Cloud storage to make them available for selection when sharing from that storage type.
Secure email
This menu is where administrators establish the SharePoint site, they would like attachments to be uploaded to when someone sends a Secure email from a Shared Mailbox account. A prerequisite to using this feature is enabling the “Outlook API” Feature within Cloud Providers.
Domains management
This feature is deprecated and will be removed from the console in future releases.
Terms of Use and Login Terms of Use
Administrators can configure Terms of use to be display to internal users when they initially log in to the eShare Portal, as well as configure Terms of Use to be displayed to external recipients before they are allowed to access the Trusted Share.
Client versions
This feature is deprecated and will be removed from the console in future releases.
Share With Me Link
Share With Me Link allows administrators to enable the Share With Me Link, that allows external recipients to initiate a Trusted Share with an organizational user to safely exchange files and information without the need to resort to other external sharing tools.
An optional explainer file can be uploaded in the form of a PDF that will be present in every SWML generated Trusted Share, to provide instructions to external recipients on how to navigate the Trusted Share and its options.
Azure Blob settings
This menu allows administrators to link an existing Blob storage account to eShare to accommodate fast file storage needs that go beyond the limitations imposed by Microsoft in SharePoint. This blob storage can then be utilized in the generation of Trusted Shares.
Share Messages
By default, Secure Conversation messages posted in Trusted Shares, are stored in eShare’s server. Organization administrators that wish to have complete control over the content posted within a Trusted Share, can link a MySQL database in the Share Messages menu, that will allow them to host all secure conversations in their tenant.
Data analytics settings
This menu is where administrators can connect Data Analytics from your eShare tenant into your own Microsoft Tenant. Note that there is additional work to be done on the Microsoft side of things before an administrator can connect the eShare analytics to their own tenant, but this is the area where the connection is completed.
Sensitivity labels
Administrators can access this menu to view the Sensitivity labels they have synced to their from M365 to their tenant. This view will display the organization Sensitivity labels, the order of priority, and any sharing policies that are mapped to the labels. If Sensitivity labels are added or removed from your M365 tenant, you can click the “Refresh Labels” at the top of the page to sync your labels with M365.
SharePoint sites
The SharePoint sites menu is where Administrators register SharePoint sites to allow users to share from eShare. Administrators can register sites by searching for the organization for sites, or by uploading a .csv file. Once a site is registered, Administrators perform the following functions to SharePoint sites:
- Assign a Sharing Policy
- Enable ShareWithMe Link for the SharePoint site
- Pre-load documents for a ShareWithMe Dataroom
- Dsiable the site for use in eShare
- Re-enable the site for use in eShare
Please note, if you disable a registered site in eShare, all Trusted Shares created in that Site will become inactive.
SMG Manager
This feature is deprecated and will be removed from the console in future releases.
Transfer Ownership
This menu allows administrators to perform a bulk transfer of ownership of one user’s Trusted Shares to another user within the organization. For the ownership transfer to be successful, it must meet the following criteria:
The trusted shares being transferred must be created in a SharePoint site, you cannot transfer ownership of a OneDrive Trusted Share
Both users must be a member or owner of the SharePoint site
Both users must exist in eShare
Organization Shares
In this menu, Administrators can view all of the Trusted Shares that have been created within the Organization. You are able to search for a specific Trusted Share by name or participant (internal or external), or you can use the filter function to find a specific types of created Trusted Shares. Administrators are able to perform the following tasks to Trusted Shares that were created within the organization:
- View recipients of a Share
- Enable/Disable recipients of a Share
- Promote internal members to Co-owner
- Transfer Ownership of a Share
- Demote internal members to recipient status
Mass Decrypt
This feature is deprecated and will be removed from the console in future releases.
Organization Auditing
Users with the “Audit Reader” administrator role can access this menu to review audit events occurring across your eShare tenant. This Audit log shows all audit events that have occurred in the past 30 days, but can be filtered to show logs from a specific time period.
Azure AD Groups
Administrators can sync Azure AD Security groups or Mail-enabled Security Groups to the eShare console for the purposes of displaying User Groups in the organizations PowerBI report.
Trusted Domains Override
The purpose of this menu is for administrators to define specific recipient domains they Trust. Once a domain is considered “Trusted”, administrators can decide if they would like to increase or decrease authentication requirements for recipients from that domain accessing Trusted Shares sent from your organization:
- Ignore OTP or always enforce OTP
- Ignore Login Required
- Ignore Terms of Use
Branding Watermark
Administrators can upload a Brand logo which can be applied to files if the “Brand Watermark” feature is enabled in a sharing policy. The requirements for the watermark are as follows:
- A .png image with transparent background
- Must be 300pixels by 300 pixels
- Size must be between 5KB and 2MB