eShare 133 Release Notes
Uniqueness of Sensitivity Labels moved from Sharing Policies to Sharing Modules
Prior to Release 133, Microsoft sensitivity labels could be assigned to only one sharing policy. But a sharing policy could be assigned to multiple sharing modules (e.g., Secure Mail Gateway, SharePoint App). This resulted in each label yielding the same controls (e.g., file editing and recipient authentication) independent of how the file is shared. But in some cases, the organization wants different controls. For example, if the file is shared as an email attachment, a One-Time-Password is sufficient for authentication, but if the file is shared via a data room a login with a stored password is required. To support these use cases, multiple sharing policies can now be mapped to the same label, but the label can only be assigned to a single sharing module.
Existing sharing policies are unaffected by this change. Organization administrators are encouraged to reach out to their Customer Success Manager if they want to assign label-mapped sharing policies to sharing modules or otherwise change how labels are used to apply controls to shared files.
Removal of the Mutual Exclusivity of Edit and Watermarking
In this release we allow Edit and Watermarking options to be simultaneously enabled on a Trusted Share. When this is done, supported files will be editable using Office Online and our PDF Editor, but downloaded files will be watermarked (brand and/or user watermarking as set by the sharing policy). This allows the co-authoring of shared files, while applying a security control when files leave the organization’s control.
Existing Trusted Shares and sharing policies are unaffected by this change. However, if your sharing policies have user override for Edit and Watermarking enabled, it is possible for users to configure their Trusted Shares to take advantage of this new capability.
Support for Distribution Lists within our Trusted Sharing for SharePoint App
In our previous release, we introduced the ability to support O365 Distribution Lists when generating a Trusted Share from our Cloud Web Portal or Teams application. In this release, we are extending this capability to our SharePoint application.
Shared With Me page loading improvements
An enhancement has been introduced in the "Shared With Me" section of the Cloud Web Portal that significantly improves the efficiency of the page. This page should now render and display all relevant Trusted Shares with significantly reduced loading times.
CSV file viewing support
In this release we newly allow CSV, XLSM and VSD files to be viewed within Microsoft Office Online. Previously, these files had to be downloaded to be viewed.
Prevent copy/move functionality to the same location
An enhancement has been introduced in our copy/move functionality that prevents files from being copied/moved to the same location. Instead, in cases where the end user has a need to duplicate files/folders the "duplicate" action should be used. To facilitate this change, the "Duplicate" function has been added to the menu bar. These changes apply to Cloud Provider, My Shares and Shared with Me pages.
Terms of Use non-acceptance ease of use
A usability enhancement has been introduced in cases of files within a Trusted Share that display Terms of Use prior to being allowed access, that will now take the user back to the main Trusted Share screen when the ToU is not accepted.
- The bug causing the landing page to remain stuck in a "loading" state when a Trusted Share owner declines an invitation has been fixed. Users should now be able to view the appropriate landing page, indicating that the invitation has been declined, without encountering any loading issues.
- Previously, when the "Secure Conversation" option was enabled in the Trusted Share modal and the user override setting was enabled, the description "User override not allowed" was displayed, which was inaccurate. This has been corrected and should no longer be the case.
- The bug causing the double extension issue for downloaded image files has been fixed. Image files (PNG, JPEG) downloaded as .zip files will now have a single extension (e.g., as expected.
- The bug causing the Trusted Share owner of a Distribution List that he is a member of, to be added as a recipient when generating a Trusted Share from the SharePoint application has been fixed.
"Maximum number of Share recipients" option removed
Virtually none of our clients configured their sharing policies to limit the number of recipients on a Trusted Share. This fact, coupled with our added support for Distribution Lists in Release 132, signaled it was time to deprecate this unused Trusted Sharing option. Organizations that are affected by this change have already been contacted.