Cloud Web Portal 132 Release Notes
O365 Distribution Lists
Support for O365 Distribution Lists has been added. When Trusted Shares are created and recipients input, we will look up and auto-complete email addresses for Distribution Lists. The Distribution List will be expanded for the purpose of creating the Trusted Share and sending notifications to Distribution List members. Also, the Distribution List will be checked against any allow/block list that may be defined for the sharing policy or the organization. If one or more members are blocked, the entire Distribution List will be disallowed. Lastly, Distribution Lists can also be input as recipients when adding recipients to an existing Trusted Share.
Terms of Use cover page via Zip container for all file downloads
A new Sharing Policy option, "Zip all downloaded files with Terms of Use cover page" provides the ability to associate a Terms of Use cover page to a downloaded file via a Zip container, while downloading the file in its source form in all cases. This option is an alternative to and mutually exclusive with the "Convert downloaded files to PDF and add Terms of Use as a cover page", which does not download files in their source form in all cases. -
SharePoint site Owners (only) now supported as Trusted Share co-owners
An enhancement has been introduced for the "Include all SharePoint site members as co-owners" Sharing Policy option, that will now allow the Sharing Policy creator and the Trusted Share creator to choose between “Members and Owners” or “Owners” when opting to elevate internal recipients of a Trusted Share to co-owner status. We previously supported “Members and Owners” only. -
Trusted Share options tooltips
An enhancement has been introduced in the Trusted Share dialogue window, Trusted Share options will now have their information displayed via tooltips instead of a pop-up window when a user clicks on the (?) icon. -
Information Barrier Audit details
For organizations that leverage our Information Barrier feature, a new entry has been added in the Audit page when viewing the Trusted Share creation audit event. The new entry displays the IB Sharing Group applied to the Trusted Share. -
Teams application
The default tab for our Teams application has been changed to show the "Files" section of the channel instead of "My Shares".
- There was an issue when applying a watermark on a file that would cause the footer text present in the file to be distorted. This has been corrected and should no longer be the case.
- There was an issue when downloading multiple files from a Trusted Share in quick succession. Rapid download requests should now be handled without issue.
- There was an issue when clicking on the location link of a Trusted Share from within View Details that would navigate the user to the main page instead of displaying the content of the selected folder. This has been corrected and should no longer be the case.
- There was an issue when the user pressed Ctrl + A to select text present in the message field of the Trusted Share creation dialogue window that would mark different items of the page instead of the actual text. This has been corrected and should no longer be the case.
- There was an issue under certain conditions that would cause owners and members of a SharePoint site to be added twice as recipients when a Trusted Share was generated via our SharePoint application. This has been corrected and should no longer be the case.
- There was an issue under certain conditions that would cause the "All" tab of the Recipients menu of a Trusted Share to not automatically update when adding a new recipient in the Trusted Share. This has been corrected and should no longer be the case.